The Wright Allisons

Jena, Rylin, Evan, Josie, & Tyrian

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Has it really been three months since my last post??


Well, here's what's happened in the meantime:

Turned 34. Blah.

Had the opportunity to maybe work for my company in Germany!!!!
Didn't happen. Blah.

Found out our landlord wanted us out after 4 years.
Couldn't find a place anywhere in Rexburg that fit our needs.
Moved to Rigby (15 miles away and closer to the "big" city of Idaho Falls).
On New Year's Eve. Blah.
Things were getting packed last-minute so we have no idea where anything is.
Have you ever watched Hoarders?
That's what our place has looked like since we moved in.
Day 1 back to work after moving I couldn't find the shower curtain.
We just barely found the screws for the TV stand so we could set it up.
The dishwasher doesn't clean.
I spent today trying to descale that beast.
The washing machine doesn't soften.
The prior tenants put A LOT of laundry detergent in the fabric softener section. WHY?!
The world may never know.

So, that's our life right now.






In other news, Evan started crawling over Christmas while we were in Seattle!

He also has his two bottom teeth.

And he's having trouble pooping.

I know you really wanted to hear that last bit.

So, if you're wondering why you haven't heard from us or why we aren't returning phone calls, it's because things are crazy right now.

Oh, and we might be moving to Utah.
