The Wright Allisons

Jena, Rylin, Evan, Josie, & Tyrian

Monday, May 30, 2011

78 Things

I totally stole this from my friend, Lizz.

Why 78? I have no idea. Except since it was the year I was born, I will keep it.

(If you actually read this, keep a tally of things you didn't know and leave the number in the comments!)

1. I miss my job at Disneyland. I miss my VIP guests and all the fun extras I got to do while working there. Candlelight, Flashback, and Clue Crew.
2. Rylin is a name that I made up as a combination of our middle names: Ryan and Lyn. I wanted to spell it Rylyn but everyone said it was too many 'ys'. I still disagree.
3. I have two Deaf cousins and wish I knew more Sign Language. Rylin can sign 'book', 'more', and 'baby.'
4. As a kid I was introduced to logic puzzles and still love them.
5. I have lived in seven states and two countries: Oregon, Hawaii, Washington, Utah, Germany, Pennsylvania, California, and Idaho.
6. I used to do long division with my brother Joel when we were kids in Sacrament Meeting for fun.
7.  I also used to write a list (complete with pictures) of what I was going to do when I got home from church.
8. I like to cook and bake, but I am too lazy to do it as often as I would like.
9. I have always had a lot of friends until I moved to Idaho.
10. I LOVE getting pedicures and will only go to a Vietnamese establishment.
11. I file my fingernails to be round and hate the way square nails look on anyone.
12. I used to do back-flips off the diving board until one time when I landed right on the edge as I was coming out of the turn. I still have the scar and I am still afraid to do another one.
13. I am not the best swimmer, but still managed to become a Red Cross certified life guard.
14. I never got asked to any of my high school Homecomings, Jr. Proms, or Sr. Balls. I am still bitter about it. The one person I wanted to go with later told me, "We just always assumed you had already been asked."
15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE overcast and rainy days.
16. The best Christmas I ever had as a kid was one my Mom got everything at a garage sale.
17. I love making, decorating, and eating the sugar cookie recipe from Betty Crocker.
18. I have been in debt for over ten years. I hate it.
19. I envied several people in high school, and felt lame being their friend, hoping they wouldn't know it.
20. I wish I hadn't worked during that time. I shorted myself that crucial social time.
21. I have bought and paid off only three cars. I keep them around for a while.
22. I feel robbed in a certain department but am not sure I can blog about it yet.
23. I waited to read all of the Twilight books until they were all out. I am glad I did. Edward kept me up at night. In a good way.
24. I hate that I can't be at home with Rylin. I only get three awake hours with her.
25. My favorite Disney character is Peter Pan. I once had a dream that I was Wendy and he was my boyfriend.
26. If we suddenly got wealthy and never had to work again, I would want to travel the world with Todd and Rylin.
27. Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays. I really love the months of October through December. The clothes, food, festivities, and music. All of it!
28. I am grateful for my parents but have a hard time expressing how I feel about them on here and to them.
29. I hate the sound of people throwing up. I hate seeing and smelling it. I hate throwing up myself and hardly ever do. Once every five or so years is my average, and only because of my gall bladder.
30. I have gall stones, hay fever, and hypothyroidism. Fun.
31. I get shopper's remorse even after buying things like groceries and diapers.
32. I love reading.
33. I haven't had cable for two years and don't miss it. Everything is online anyway.
34. I tend to start my sentences over and speak louder if someone interrupts me. I don't even realize I have done so until they get a surprised look on their face and stop talking.
35. I have been told several times that I intimidate people and am genuinely baffled by that. 
36. I have had someone very famous be excited to meet me. The moment rendered me speechless, and if you know me at all, that is a big deal.
37. I read Nie Nie's blog and envy her. Not because of what happened to her and her husband, but because of who she is and what she has.
38. Every time I pray for a good night's sleep, I don't get one.
39. I placed a baby girl for adoption in 2002. It was the hardest thing I have EVER done.
40. I worked at a summer camp for three years in a row. I still have cherished friends from that time.
41. I was in Girl Scouts and LOVED camping. I tried and failed to later instill that same love into the Jewish girls at the camp I worked at. Just so you know, summer camp is NOT the same as scout camp.
42. I still love camping and go every year with my cousins. Rylin went when she was 4 months old and we even took her with us on the raft. :)
43. I want 4 kids.
44. I have been trying to get pregnant for the last five months.
45. I play World of Warcraft.
46. I used to get canker sores all the time. But ever since I did my first Master Cleanse, my body's ph must have changed because they have not come back.
47. I love Facebook because I am connected to my friends from Washington, Camp, Disney, Cali, and Utah.
48. I have terrible hearing. I always did, but ever since my ear drum ruptured two years ago, it has been worse.
49. I love anything related to cherries.
50. I work better and faster when I have music playing.
51. I wonder if I have inherited a chemical imbalance.
52. I have tasted alcohol and smoked. It has been many, many years since I have.
53. I used to make floor-plan drawings of my bedroom and come up with the optimal floor space plan before I moved my furniture. I did this weekly. 
54. I still do this as an adult whenever I move to a new place. But now I use paper cut-outs that are to scale.
55. I have become obsessed with Words With Friends on my iPhone.
56. I love getting my feet massaged.
57. I am looking at the clock and dreading the fact that I have to get up in seven hours and am only on #57.
58. I hate Mondays. I always have.
59. Lizz doesn't know it, but she is the best friend I always wanted to have.
60. I have two 401Ks, but no idea what to do with them once I retire.
61. I haven't been happy in a long time.
62. I am afraid that one of my children will be disabled.
63. I feel awkward watching kissing scenes in movies with my husband. I don't know why.
64. We have only held FHE once or twice in the last two years.
65. I hate rest stop bathrooms. All of them.
66. I love cats and some dogs.
67. We have three turtles and lots of fish. And at least six new baby fish.
68. I feel like my night is imcomplete if I don't brush my teeth and "go" to bed.
69. I watch almost every movie/show with captions. Mostly because of my bad hearing.
70. I would rather eat pasta than just about anything.
71. I really only like chocolate if it is with something else: orange, raspberry, mint, peanut butter. Cadbury's and Dove are really the only exception.
72. I HATE dark chocolate.
73. I hate being hot and am sweaty even in the winter thanks to my thyroid. I much prefer the cold.
74. I seriously worry I will develop skin cancer or heart disease.
75. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I can't hide anything and should never play poker.
76. I have an intolerance for incompetence.
77. I hate when people pretend that they don't have any problems.
78. I have faith that things WILL get better than they are now.

Looking back over the list, I hope it isn't all negative! I just wrote things as they came to me. Now I am going to brush my teeth and "go" to bed!


  1. I didn't know you lived in Germany! Me too! What part?

  2. Wow.. went a bit deep with this one Jena. Interesting to read it. I'll have to go back with a piece of paper to check things I didn't know.

  3. Sorry, this is Courtney Marietta. (I forget sometimes that, unlike Facebook, my Google account doesn't list my name.) I spent my last two years of high school in Frankfurt, Germany. :)
