The Wright Allisons

Jena, Rylin, Evan, Josie, & Tyrian

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Tale You Tell

Careful the things you say,
Children will listen.
Careful the things you do,
Children will see.
And learn.
Children may not obey,
But children will listen.
Children will look to you
For which way to turn,
To learn what to be.
Careful before you say, "Listen to me."
Children will listen.

Careful the wish you make,
Wishes are children.
Careful the path they take,
Wishes come true,
Not free.
Careful the spell you cast,
Not just on children.
Sometimes the spell may last
Past what you can see
And turn against you...

Careful the tale you tell.
That is the spell.
Children will listen…

This is from one of my favorite musicals, Into the Woods. As a single adult, I listened to these lyrics repeatedly. The line children may not obey, but children will listen haunted me. It did and still does bring a lump to my throat. What a simple yet profound statement. Can we ever be truly aware of how much our actions and words influence others? Careful the spell you cast, not just on children. Especially when we don’t know they’re watching us closely…

Like you, I usually go through life oblivious to how often people are actually observing me. Oh sure, we know that our friends, family, co-workers, boss, the girl scanning our groceries, and even strangers on the street interact with us and form an opinion based upon their experience. But what they DON’T tell you is what they think while watching us silently. If you are lucky enough, people will share with you those feelings. I have found that to be the exception and not the rule though. So I am always pleasantly surprised when someone trusts me enough to open up and voice their true feelings to me.

Just yesterday I was sent these thoughts within a very touching e-mail:

“I just needed to let you know that I LOVE your blog! Every time I see on Facebook that you have posted something new on your blog, I have to read it. I love that you are real and don't sugar coat life. Life, marriage and family are all really difficult, but most of us don't vocalize it- so thanks for being the voice for all of us! I have always watched you from a distance (you probably never knew this!) and have wanted to have your infectious smile and outgoing personality. I am grateful to call you a friend and have learned from your example!!”

It still brings tears to my eyes reading these sweet words. I really never knew, and am so grateful this person had the courage to tell me. I have mentioned before that one of my main reasons for blogging is to give a voice to those that aren’t able to for whatever reason. My patriarchal blessing states that when I share my thoughts and feelings, others will be willing and ready to listen and will be strengthened themselves. The context was about my testimony, but I feel that all these topics (life/gospel, marriage, family) make up what a testimony is.

I truly hope that in some small way on here I can fulfill this sort of calling. And I hope that the tale I tell is a good one.

- Posted from my iPhone


  1. I'm having a hard time placing you, but i just linked to your blog from my sitemeter, and am so glad i did! this was just the post i needed to read! thank you for the reminder that our actions do matter and that our children are always watching. it was my reminder today to be a little more pleasant when trying to get out the door to church on sunday mornings. :) thanks again for sharing your beautiful words.

  2. Thanks, Jen!!! I went to high school with Pete, though we didn't really know each other at all. I stumbled across your blog after someone posted it on Facebook after his cardiac arrest. I have been a follower ever since. :) I love your candor when it comes to motherhood and just marvel at how much more you have it together than most women! Thank you for your kind words!!
