I promise I will post about baby boy's arrival. I just need to be able to have more than 1/2 hour to myself to sit and write it.
For now, everything hurts. My head. My eyes. My body. My boobs. My sleep. My sanity.
I sleep "better" in the rocking chair than I do in bed at night.
I don't remember nursing being this painful or taking as long with Rylin. Baby boy is in reality a barracuda. No seriously. He started sucking on his arm when I had enough after 1.5 hours. He gave himself a hicky. He's done that three times.
He won't take a pacifier either. :(
So yeah. Everything hurts.
Hang in there. Nursing hurt more with Enoch than the other two. And it took probably a month before I could get Enoch to take a pacifier consistently. He ended up only liking the ones from the hospital which is funny since we didn't have him at the hospital! Good luck! You can do it.