1 pound thin sliced sirloin
4 Table spoons Soy Sauce
1/2 cup beef broth
1 tea spoon garlic powder (or minced fresh garlic?)
2 table spoons brown sugar
1/2 tea spoon ginger
(To try: Green Onions? Leeks?)
Olive/Canola/Vegetable Oil of choice for Saute (Sesame Oil to try next time?)
3 tablespoons corn starch
Dash of Red Pepper
Dash of Black Pepper
Dash of Garlic Salt
Bit of Sesame Oil for flavor (if not used primarily)
Thin sliced Sirloin.

Combine everything except the corn starch in bowl a and mix until it's disolved. Cut the thinly sliced Sirloin into bite sized strips and place into the bowl with the marinate Sirloin for 30 minutes.

Remove from marinade and heat pan with sesame oil. Saute the marinated beef in the marinade. Let the marinade reduce. (Boil down a bit). Add the Broccoli which should almost soak up the last of the liquid from the sauce, so add some more marinade back in with corn starch to thicken the sauce. Reduce this group down until the sauce in the pan is nice and thick. You should have to stir fry quite a bit during the time and watch closely. Finish with the last of the marinade into the sauce. There shouldn't be much left. After a minute or two (enough to cook any raw meat danger out of the marinade) pull off of heat and prepare to serve.

Top on to rice.