The Wright Allisons

Jena, Rylin, Evan, Josie, & Tyrian

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


My due date was yesterday. It came and went without anything more exciting happening than the thunderstorm we got.

I've had two appointments every week for the last month. One is with my midwife where they check to see if I have progressed any. I haven't. The other is up at the hospital where they do a non-stress test to measure the baby's heart-rate and activity over a 20 minuted time period. They do this because I am considered "advanced maternal age" and have a higher risk of stillbirth. We pass every time (which is good!!), but boring.

So we're just waiting around for this baby to get here. My induction is scheduled for next Monday night. I am still planning on an un-medicated birth, but obviously the possibility of needing pitocin could change that. The only reason they are inducing me at 41 weeks instead of waiting until 42 is again because of the higher risk of stillbirth. As it looks right now, I'm going to need the induction after all. That gives me an August baby.


I hate August. It's one of the long months. It's the HOTTEST month. There are no holidays. It's a bunch of long, hot, boring days. As a kid it meant I had to go back to school.

I don't know. Maybe this baby is determined to give me a reason to like August.

I hate waiting.

I know, I know. I am very grateful for a healthy baby that is coming in 6 days at the most. I don't want to complain, but I am SOOOOOOOOO ready. I've never gone this long with any of the previous three and the heat makes everything worse. I only leave the house for appointments now. I'm so uncomfortable all of the time. Heartburn. Pressure. Constant, irregular contractions. Mentally and physically I am worn out. Having an end date set is helping, I just need to focus on that now.

At any rate, thanks for reading and next time I write it will be about the baby!